A letter from our Group Co-Ordinator
Hello Everyone
We would like to inform you of a new way to keep in touch with your local group due to rulings by the MS Society which had made It more difficult to keep in touch.
We have set up a Facebook page called North Devon MS Group and only members of the North Devon Group will be able to join. Due to this when you request to join the group you will be asked to answer questions to confirm you are eligible to join. Only other members will receive any notifications posted. With this is place we will be able to notify you of any events planned for the future, such as coffee mornings, physio classes face-to-face or zoom, and any other events that might be organised. You will also be able to ask questions to other group members.
We have a new group mobile, and the number is 07782 257140. Currently the mobile is being answered by Nigel who is the initial point of contact.
We desperately need volunteers to help with run the group. This could be you, a partner or relative. One role we need urgently to fill is for a group secretary who is confident with emails, take minutes and assisting with arranging events.
We have sent communications in the past asking how we can help however if we do not get any responses, it is difficult for us to know how we can help. So here are a few questions that we would appreciate if you could answer for us:-
1. Would you like more frequent coffee mornings, say monthly and if so, would you attend?
2. Would you like us to try and organise face-to-face physio classes or do you prefer zoom classes? A response either way would be appreciated as previously we have not received enough responses to go back to face-to-face. If we go back to face-to-face, are you prepared to pay an increase fee to the current one for the zoom classes?
3. Would you like a day trip organised? If so, any ideas where?
4. We used to organise a day at the Milky Way for you and your family. Would you like this restarted?
5. Would you like a Summer Cream Tea arranged this summer?
6. Any other suggestions on what the group would organise or do to earn funds for the group.
I hope you realise that we are here to help you, we need your feedback. Without this there is little we can do, so please respond to the above questions it would be appreciated. Let’s see if we can get things back “on track”!
Ian Hickman
Group Co-ordinator for MS North Devon Group